Wilkinson and Toscano

07/03/2013 15:54

Anthony Wilkinson


Debra Toscano


"My Big Gay Italian Wedding"


"My Big Gay Italian Funeral"

Listen live here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/momsthoughts/2013/06/12/anthony-wilkinson-debra-toscano-on-the-momsthoughts-show-1


Anthony is a 3 time Emmy Award winner.  He is the playwright and lead actor in "MY Big Gay Italian Wedding" and "My Big Gay Italian Funeral".  He will also star in the upcoming series "Tainted Dreams'

Debra joins the cast in "My Big Gay Italian Wedding" and "My Big Gay Itaian Funeral" in the role of Aunt Toniann! 

Both shows are currently at the St. Luke's Theater, NYC, NY 

Tickets are available at Telecharge.

Follow "My Big Gay Italian Wedding" and "My Big Gay Italian Funeral" on Twitter.

Visit https://www.biggayitalianwedding.com/

Follow Anthony Wilkinson on Twitter

Follow Debra Toscano on Twitter