belVita Recall

04/04/2013 17:58

It was just brought to my attention that one of the products I reviewed has issued a recall.  It is not the specific flavor I reviewed, however, if you did purchase belVita, please read here for more info:

"Thoughts By Mom"

"Ann" Starring Holland Taylor

04/08/2013 17:04
  ANN on Broadway starring Holland Taylor   I love Broadway, this is no secret.  I admit I usually spend my Broadway budget on musical's because I really love music.   However, I recently saw a piece on CBS "Sunday Morning" about a new one-woman show written by and...

Health, Diets and Exercise

03/20/2013 09:32
Look, I have been struggling with this all my life.  I can vividly remember going on my first diet in high school.  (Now, when I look back at pictures I can't help but wonder why I was so hard on myself.  I think now that I looked pretty good then)   Over the years I have...